Tuesday, February 28, 2012

A Different Spirit

"But my servant  Caleb, because he has a different spirit and has followed me fully, I will bring into the land into which he went, and his descendants shall possess it." - Numbers 14:24

You are all very familiar with this historical account - God instructs Moses to send spies throughout Canaan to see what the land is like. I think God is desiring to 'rev up' the people about the land He is about to give them. Numbers 13 tells us it was the season of the first ripe grapes. They cut down a single cluster of grapes and carried it on a pole between two of them. Seriously?! A single cluster of grapes has to be carried on a pole between two of them! I don't know about you, but that would get me a little more than exicted and 'revved up' for what the rest of the land must be like! Plus, God had promised to give the land to them!

And yet, as you know the rest of the story, 2 say 'go', 10 say 'no'. And the whole congregation of Israel aligns with the 10 negative voices; they grumble against Moses and decide it would be better if they returned to Egypt (slavery and starvation versus freedom and mammoth grapes - you'd think that decision would be a no-brainer).
This isn't the first time the nation of Israel has been grumbling, complaining, unhappy, dissatisfied, and whining since leaving Egypt. They just can't seem to keep their eyes focused on God - who He is, what He has done for them, what He promises to do for them, etc. Their vision is short-sighted, on the 'here and now'.

"But my servant Caleb, because he has a different spirit and has followed me fully, I will bring into the land into which he went, and his descendants shall possess it."
There is someone who had his eyes fixed in the right place! He has a different spirit! He follows God fully! He isn't consumed and controlled by a spirit of dissatisfaction, a spirit of complaining & grumbling, a self-centered spirit. He keeps his eyes on God - who He is, what He has done for them, and what He promises to do for them, and follows God fully.

Oh, that I would have that different spirit and follow God fully! But, to be honest, too often I am controlled by a spirit of dissatisfaction, a spirit of grumbling & complaining, and a self-centered spirit. I forget who God is, what He has done for me, and what He promises to do for me, and I don't follow Him fully.
Numbers 14:24 has really convicted me, challenged me, and 'revved me up' to follow hard after God into the good land that He has promised to me...maybe not physical land like Canaan, but He has promised me good land spiritually, with incredible fruit...it's mine for the taking!

How about you? What kind of spirit do you have?

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