Thursday, February 9, 2012

We are moving into a portion of the OT that can be a bit 'dry' to read! This is oftentimes where people give up on reading through the Bible. Hang in there! Stick with it! God still has important things to say to us through His Word.

Again, don't feel like you have to stick with the reading schedule. If it works better for you to finish reading Exodus all at one time, then finish reading Exodus all at one time! That is actually how I will probably read Leviticus - I'll take a part of a Saturday or a Sunday and read the whole book in one sitting. The key is to be reading God's word and become more Christ-like as a result; you don't want to fall into a rut where you are merely reading to stick with a schedule and be able to mark it off your 'to do' list.

As I've been reading this portion of Exodus, I am so thankful, and grateful to Christ for His freeing work on the cross, that we no longer live under the Law. I don't think I could have done it! And isn't that the whole point of the Law! (Galatians 3:23-26)To show us that we can't live that way, we need a Savior, One who will redeem us from our futile way of life.

That said, I believe there are still aspects of the Law we need to take very seriously. One of them is from Exodus 22:18 - you shall not permit a sorceress to live. God is very clear many places in His Word that we are to have no other gods before Him, that we are not to look for guidance and direction from any other source than from Him.
For those of you who are familiar with The Steps to Freedom in Christ, this is the first step - Counterfeit vs. Real. Any time we seek guidance from a source other than God Himself, we are opening a door, giving a foothold in our life, to Satan. Many of us have read our horoscopes at one time or another, some have played with Ouija boards, magic eight balls, or tarot cards, etc. All of these are examples of counterfeit forms of guidance which have their source in Satan and the occult, and which need to be renounced as false. Even if you participated in these things as a game or a joke, they need to be renounced. If you would like more information on this, please feel free to contact me.

Exodus 23:1 - six days you shall do your work, but on the seventh day you shall rest...
The older I get, the more I realize how important this is for my life. For one thing, I don't have the endless energy I used to have and I need a 'down' day to be ready for the other 6 days! But this is a principle that God Himself modeled for us when He created six days and rested on the seventh. "The Rest of God: Restoring Your Soul by Restoring Sabbath" by Mark Buchanan is an excellent book. Mr. Buchanan says, "Most of us feel utterly ransacked. We are waylaid by endless demands and stifling routines. Even our vacations have a panicky, task-like edge to them. 'If I only had more time,' is the mantra of our age. But is this the real problem? What we've really lost is the 'rest of God - the rest God bestows and, with it, that part of Himself we can know only through stillness.'"
If you aren't already practicing a Sabbath day, let me encourage you to give it a try! I don't think you'll want to give it up once you get into the habit!

1 comment:

  1. In response to seeking guidance outside of God, a couple of years ago, God really spoke to my heart about taking problems I might have with family, husband, etc. to God first and not to a good friend first. I found when I was faithful in taking issues to God first, seldom did I need to take them further.

    I came away from reading about Moses and His people in the wilderness with a new awareness of God's expectation for obedience from His children. When God spoke and gave a command, He expected it to be obeyed. I am aware that I can't fully grasp God in His greatness and I don't think I fear God like I should.

    As I read and see how God judges the sinful and how He blesses the obedient, I find myself praying harder for our country. It makes me so sad that our country is choosing to cast God aside - this will only lead to our destruction. I am sad for America and for God because he loves us so much! I find myself begging God for forgiveness for our country's sin and asking him to bring us, as a nation, back to Him!
