Monday, April 2, 2012

1 Samuel 1

1 Samuel is such a rich book; take your time in it and enjoy it!

Every time I read the account of Hannah, I am humbled by her attitude and unwillingness to lash back at her rival. Can you imagine having to share your husband with another woman? How about with one who hates you and takes every opportunity to be nasty to you - not just behind your back, but to your face? And this didn't just happen once. Notice verse 7 (chapter 1): "It happened year after year..." (NASB)
Year after year! Can you imagine enduring that? Would you endure that?

There is no evidence that Hannah ever lashed back at Peninnah. Instead there is evidence she ran to the LORD - verse 10, "She was deeply distressed and prayed to the LORD and wept bitterly."

Like I said, I'm humbled by her attitude and unwillingness to lash back. I have to admit that I don't think I would put up with the verbal abuse year after year. I am amazed and challenged by Hannah. What an example for us as women! Run to the LORD instead of running off at the mouth (to put it bluntly!).
Let's make that one of our resolutions for the year.

Ruth 1-4

Ruth 1-4
I'm a little late in posting this, but if you have never done a study on the concept of 'kinsman redeemer', I HIGHLY encourage you to do one. Precept Ministries ( has an excellent kinsman redeemer study and it is only 3 lessons! So you can do it!!

Here's a promo on the study from their website:
If you were a slave, who would buy your freedom? If you had an enemy, who would come to your defense? In the Old Testament, this buyer-defender known as a "kinsman - redeemer" was usually a close relative. If you're a believer, you already have one -- Jesus Christ! This rich study shows how Jesus both bought us (redeemer) and advocates (defends) for us, offering us an opportunity to rebuild our broken lives.

I did this study a couple years ago and it was fantastic!